© 2024 Anglican Marriage Encounter - Registered Charity No. 292594

A time for just the two of you 
Marriage Encounter
Anglican Expression

Why come on a weekend?

We believe your marriage is important and with the right tools and the right attitude we can help to make your marriage even more special than it already is.

That’s why we provide Marriage Encounter weekends as a safe place where you can explore your relationship and expand your vision of what your marriage can be.

What a Marriage Encounter weekend can do for you

The weekend is an opportunity to get away from the distractions of day-to-day life for a short time, to focus on each other and enjoy quality time together.

The aim is to provide a relaxed atmosphere in which you can share and explore your feelings, your hopes and dreams, your fears and disappointments, and your joys. At the same time it’s about learning to improve your communication and deepen your relationship.

What you can expect during a Marriage Encounter weekend

The weekend is full and structured with little free time.  You are there to focus on you as a couple and your relationship in a peaceful environment.

You do not have to share personal details with anyone else; the weekend is just between the two of you to help you communicate effectively and honestly.

Our team of married couples, will present a series of talks, each focusing on a different aspect of married life.

As they speak frankly and honestly about their own experiences of marriage, you will be challenged to think about your own present and future relationship.

At the end of each talk you will be given time to reflect individually on what you have heard before meeting privately with your spouse to share your response. The aim is to provide a positive and thought provoking experience to enrich your married life.

The weekend in brief

Basis of the Weekend

The Marriage Encounter Weekend presents a Christian understanding of marriage based on the Bible, but the weekend is suitable for married couples of any faith, or none – all are welcome.

The Cost

Others have gladly given so you can experience the weekend without having to worry about whether you can afford it.

Apart from the registration fee of £20 per couple, the weekend is free! It is offered to you as a gift - the whole cost including accommodation and food is covered; there are no hidden extras.

At the end you will be given the opportunity to help towards the cost of future weekends if you wish.  

We hope that you will want to make your marriage even more special and book onto a Marriage Encounter weekend today!!

Find Your Weekend Now

We hope that you will want to make your marriage even more special and book onto a Marriage Encounter Weekend


Find Your Weekend Now

The Marriage Encounter weekend consists of a series of presentations each followed by a chance to reflect and talk to each other as a couple, not with others.

Here's a taster of some of what's covered: